In the interest of finding a game to play together, my girlfriend and I picked up The Division, a Tom Clancy 3rd person MMO style game that revolves around a virus outbreak in the US. In the midst of the chaos, you play as a random, non-interesting sleeper agent, activated by means of a special watch. I wanted my guy to have a little bit more than just a generic “Oh hey look at me.”

The base is a work in progress. Something I always try when creating a new figure is advancing my comfort in detail. You can easily spot the traffic light, but there’s still some work to do on this one.

My favorite part about this, other than the amount of detail I worked to put into it, is the Fireman’s jacket. The jacket is a staple of my Division Character, and it was a lot of fun making.

Overall Time to Complete: 5 Hours
Owner: House